LucSculpture has closed in June 2020 due to the challenges we faced through the government policy of the lockdown.

However, we are very excited to announce the documentary film, “Between Darkness and Light”, that has captured Luc Bihan, LucSculpture, our great instructors, and the community that has supported us for the past 14 years. Enjoy learning more about the documentary from this site.

Luc and the family are now engaging each day for their next stage of creativity. It is much more personal, but also is a global theme for humanity: creating each day with wonderful people and nature surrounds us.

“You are the only creator of your own life, stay in joy, always be positive, act and speak at the present time without fear” – Luc Bihan

Photo by Alexandra Pagonis
Photo by Alexandra Pagonis

We also want to use this space to thank all our great instructors, staff members, volunteers, and our 3000+ students for your support during the past 14 years. LucSculpture’s mission and the concepts to have an environmentally friendly and truly artist-supporting art school was unique in Canada and worldwide.

“Between Darkness and Light” captures the history of LucSculpture from 2019 to the closure of LucSculpture in 2020.

During these frustrating and challenging times, we believe creativity helps us to provide a safe space to explore, gives us a sense of self, and guides us to find our own beautiful space. This film has captured all of our ups and downs, hard times, and struggles that come with acceptance, beautiful and fulfilling moments of joy, and the path to self-discovery.

We all welcome artists and non-artists to watch this documentary to take a moment and reflect our life and true voice within us.

Finally, we give a great appreciation to the talented documentalist, Marina Dessiatkina, and caring videographer, Valerii Degtiarev, for their work, but also all the tender supports they have given us all the way through.

We appreciate hearing your comments, experiences, struggles, and joy related to creativity, and feel free to share in the blog section.

Luc, Yuri, Ametiste our daughter, and new boy Yuki wish you all the best

To reach us, please send  an email at [email protected]